Archives for posts with tag: Cooking

As I was listening to the radio yesterday, the DJ’s on my favorite station were joking around about how Thanksgiving gets the short end of the stick when it comes to holiday-lovin’ from retail stores. Then, as I went about my day, I had to run some errands. I went to the grocery store and was met by a giant Christmas display. That’s right, Halloween hadn’t even taken place, yet Christmas displays were already being put up. What made me laugh, however, was the fact that there were no Thanksgiving decorations anywhere in sight. It turns out that the DJ’s were right. Thanksgiving was nowhere to be found. It’s almost as though Thanksgiving is a wicked stepchild to Christmas.

I guess it makes sense. Christmas is what makes and breaks retailers. Stores consider how successful their year was based on how they do during the Holiday season. And, with the exception of great food and family, there isn’t much that goes into Thanksgiving. That’s exactly why I love Thanksgiving. It’s wonderful in it’s simplicity. I love that there’s no hustle and bustle. There’s no breaking of the bank to try to keep up with the gift-giving of others. Don’t get me wrong. I love giving (and receiving) gifts, but I don’t like getting into financial problems just because of one day. For me, simple is better.


I Can’t Wait To Feast With Those That I Care About Most

I’m thankful that I can enjoy a restful day with the people who mean the most to me in my life. I enjoy eating great food with great people. I enjoy reminiscing about great family traditions, like the Thanksgiving that my Mother-In-Law dropped the turkey on the ground while taking it out of the oven, and how we all pulled together to clean up the mess. And yes, we still ate the turkey. It’s these kinds of family stories that make Thanksgiving truly special to me. Of course, falling asleep while watching some football is nice too!

I’m also thankful for the ability to live in such a great country, surrounded by so many great people. I’m thankful for the freedom that I enjoy on a daily basis, understanding that it truly is a blessing. There are literally billions of people throughout this world that don’t know what it’s like to have the freedom that we enjoy on a daily basis.

For me, Thanksgiving is simply wonderful. So, this year, as you’re no doubt headed into the busiest time of year, take some time to be thankful for the simple things in life. It may just make your Thanksgiving one to be celebrated.


I had actually grown to hate Pinterest. My wife spent hours combing through the social media website. She found seemingly meaningless quote after meaningless quote, all of which she thought were incredibly funny. I just found it incredibly annoying. She would lean over every once in a while so I could look at what she thought was a “must see”. I usually rolled my eyes and went back to doing whatever it was that she wasn’t interested in participating in. Then it happened. I wasn’t expecting it. I came home one evening and found my wife had prepared a delicious looking and smelling meal. After diving in, I realized it tasted delicious too! That’s the moment I fell in love with Pinterest.

Biscuits covering meatballs

This weekend’s delicious looking dinner!

You see, my wife isn’t normally known for incredible cooking. In fact, she’s normally known for dreadful cooking. Don’t get me wrong, I still eat it without complaining, but not because I want to. However, Pinterest has opened up a whole new world of cooking in my home. And for that, I’m extremely grateful!

Because I’ve loved the cooking so much, I’ve decided it’s worth sharing. It started off with a taco braid, and has progressed from there. In fact, this weekend, my wife says she’s planning on trying her hand at a meatball biscuit (meatballs with biscuits wrapped around them) that looks amazing.

While my wife may not be the greatest cook in the world, I’m extremely grateful that she found Pinterest recipes, and has decided to try them in our home. Thank you Pinterest!!!

Of course, if you’re looking to plan a party, and wanting entertainment to accompany your delicious recipes, check out 5 Alarm Party Rentals!